The power of printables

Until very recently, I never understood why people were so crazy about printables. After stumbling upon this on Pinterest, I finally got it:

cake flags free printables

And all of these:

cupcake flag printables

halloween printables cupcake topper

free cake printables

Click on each photo and it will link you to the free download page. Here are some other sites I love for free printables:

Know of any other sites for printables? Comment below or send them my way at!

Blue House Designs delivers stunning stationary plus a giveaway!

My Mom and I ordered THE BEST stationary and it’s too good not to share. It’s from Blue House Designs and it’s gorgeous. We opened up the big white box and inside of the perfectly folded tissue were boxes of stationary adorned with ribbon. The first thing out of my Mom’s mouth was, “we’re ordering your wedding invitations from here.” By the way, I’m very single.

Blue House Designs is the creation of Nancy Crnkovich, the talent behind the stunning stationary designs. Nancy hand makes each and every piece of stationary and you can tell by the tiny details that make each card beautiful. Embossed with a touch of glitter, Nancy hand-glues each rhinestone and places each extra dab of glitter glitz onto every card she makes You can see the hard work that went into every card, and each design makes and incredibly special gift.
Nancy has a wide variety of designs to choose from and can also create custom stationary, invitations and gifts. We ordered the Vintage Chandelier Notecards and the Vintage Bee Cards. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Blue house designs card

blue house designs stationaryblue house designs etsy

blue house designs etsy

Lucky for you, Nancy is giving one Ruffled Row reader a set of  6 Bee Gift Tags! They are so cute and are the perfect way to top off a hostess gift. Use the Rafflecopter below or leave a blog comment with your name and email address so I can contact you if you win. Winner will be announced this Friday, September 21 so hurry and enter!!

Enter with Rafflecopter

blue house bee gift tags

If you’re like me and can’t live without these pretties, Blue House just added a TON of new items to the shop. Check them out and stock up at Good luck and happy shopping!

Sicily Eason gets my stamp of approval for great paper goods + a giveaway!

I love getting mail. I think that’s why I’m obsessed with stationary and always on the lookout for new invitations and cards to add to my collection. I came across the cutest stationary shop on Etsy called Sicily Eason and let me tell you, their paper line is exquisite!

They have a wide variety of invitations, announcements and cards and also create custom stationary and pillows. Based out of Texas, the letterpress shop prints all of their items of an antique Kluge press and you can see the detail and craftsmanship that is put in to each and every one.

All items are made with thick, high-quality paper, the colors are vibrant and you can’t get anything more adorable than their designs.

I got to sample the new Holiday line and an everyday card. Here’s a sneak peek!

sicily eason cards


Love snail mail as much as I do? I’m giving away this pretty little card to one lucky reader. All you have to do is go to Sicily Eason’s Etsy shop and tell me which product of theirs you can’t live without. Winner will be announced tonight so hurry!!

sicily eason card


All designs and many more can be found at Enjoy browsing their amazing line and be sure to stock up on some stationary!